Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Id | integer |
None. |
PatientId | integer |
None. |
DoctorId | integer |
None. |
DatePerformed | date |
None. |
ExamTypeId | integer |
None. |
PriorVisionCorrection | integer |
None. |
IsFittedForMono | boolean |
None. |
NightsExtended | integer |
None. |
DaysReplacement | integer |
None. |
PatientGivenTrialProduct | boolean |
None. |
DateExpires | date |
None. |
RecordCreatedDate | date |
None. |
ApplicationId | integer |
None. |
ReferenceNumber | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
ExamType | ExamType |
None. |
Patient | Patient |
None. |
Doctor | Doctor |
None. |
Application | Application |
None. |
OrderHeaders | Collection of OrderHeader |
None. |
Prescriptions | Collection of Prescription |
None. |
ModifiedBy | integer |
None. |
EffectiveFrom_Actual | date |
None. |
EffectiveFrom | date |
None. |
EffectiveTo_Actual | date |
None. |
EffectiveTo | date |
None. |
Sequence_Actual | Collection of byte |
Max length: 8 |
Sequence | integer |
None. |